School of Veterinary Medicine, Bailey Surgery Suites USA
Auburn University recently completed construction of the Wilford and Kate Bailey Small Animal
Teaching Hospital, the largest small animal teaching hospital in the U.S. A great focus was made on the
14 surgery suites with four design goals.
1) The ability to view medical records and digital radiography.
2) Rooms to aid in teaching students by presenting the surgical field on a larger display in the room
and online to any location in the world.
3) Rooms with the ability to record procedures and easily make the recordings available to the
4) To move as much equipment as possible out of the OR so repairs can be made without entering
the sterile environment.
To achieve the design requirements, all computers and AV equipment are located in a room outside
the sterile corridor with transmission over Cat6. Within the surgical suites, rack mounted computers are
accessed on 0-clients via PCOIP allowing sterile and easy-to-service capabilities.
Within the suites, HDMI inputs are strategically located on light booms, gas columns, and walls to allow
for maximum flexibility and future equipment. The wall-mounted control panel allows in-room control
of the various monitors with adjacent camera controls. Finally, all content captured in the surgical
suites is streamed to the capture rooms where HD capture cards receive one feed from the camera
located on the light boom, one feed from another input device, and audio. Students interact with these
feeds through love stream or recordings leveraging the existing website.
"AMX’s control flexibility allowed us to leverage existing technologies at the college
resulting in lower support costs and lower implementation costs."