With a two-campus distance learning Doctor of Pharmacy program, the University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy (UIC-COP) needed a technology automation solution that could tie its campuses and
800 students together while simultaneously ensuring efficiency and ease for the >100 faculty and staff
who use the system on a weekly basis. There were three challenges to this process:
1) Finding an automated system for classroom set-up and shut down to remove a 30-minute
turnaround time per space
2) Minimize classroom disruption and ensure active learning can occur in the classroom
3) Save time and money for the College through lean staff support, energy management and service
To achieve a high level of automation, an AMX NetLinx Integrated Controller and custom programming
are used to connect the classrooms across campuses. Every room on the network is equipped identically
with a touch screen monitor and custom graphical user interface. Users can 1) p ower-up, 2) connect,
and 3) access preset default audio, video, and lighting settings in their local and far side rooms with
one touch. This saves the instructor time at class startup and end and automation sets up the room in
preparation for the next user. To ensure active learning, active audience cameras were integrated at both
locations allowing a class to switch between the student and in structor for in-session question and answer.
Remote access to the classroom minimizes class disruptions while Resource Management Suite proactively
tracks the lamp hours so they are replaced before reaching life expectancy.
"The College has saved cost and time. Over a four-year period, no additional in-room
AV support staff were hired to physically setup and shut down the class, resulting
in a cost savings of approximately $260,000 over the past four years. Additionally,
over the last four years, approximately 800 course hours have been preserved due to
rooms being online, ready and predictable for professors."